Saturday 15 May 2021

Bridge 80 to Coole Pilate Visitor Moorings - Shropshire Union Canal

Friday 15th May

We are finally moving on today leaving Audlem behind us just for a week though!  We have enjoyed being in and around Audlem, meeting up with Jane, Malcolm and Harry, seeing Sheila and Tony and Brock, visiting the local hostilery and cafe and getting our new fridge but will be nice to chug on a bit to pastures new.


We were very pleased to see the sun shining and it was quite warm as we set off along the canal.

We passed a couple of boats, but the canal was pretty quiet.

We went under a couple of bridges and through narrow gaps where a bridge used to be and then we were approaching Coole Pilate visitor moorings.  There were a couple of boats there but plenty of space and room for us, this is a popular mooring, so I expect it will fill up later.

We moored up in a nice spot near one of the picnic tables that are provided.


In the afternoon, we sat outside in the lovely sunshine.  We saw a hire boat coming along and it was none other than the Hairy Biker or I should say the Hairy Boater! Dave Myers with his family.  We knew he was on a boating holiday doing the four counties ring and heading our way but thought knowing our luck we would miss him, but we were lucky for once.

I took a few photos as they went by and we had a quick chat, he was very friendly, I told him I had made his Cornish Pasty recipe and the pastry was fab, smiling he said thank you very much Madam!


It was nice to see him and it made my day as I like watching him and Si King on the TV.

We just chilled out for the rest of the afternoon.  There was a swan further down the canal, and he took off and flew right past our boat, they are so majestic and usually they are overhead so nice to see him fly so close to us.

We are staying here tonight and tomorrow, then on Sunday we will move on and hopefully the weather will be kind to us and stay dry, fingers crossed.

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