Friday 16 April 2021

Market Drayton to Adderley below Locks (Shropshire Union Canal)


Thursday 15th April 

We are finally on the move today after spending the last five and a half months in Market Drayton due to lockdowns and restrictions.  It is a lovely friendly town and we have made some good friends, Sue, Steve and Monty the Westie, Ray, Iris and Bella the Jack Russell, John, Irene and Lacy the Staffy and Penny and Sally the Lurcher, it was sad saying goodbye but we will all keep in touch and we will be back in Market Drayton at the end of May so we will look forward to seeing everyone again then. We feel quite sad leaving today as we have got used to being here and having Lacey, Monty and Bella turn up everyday for treats and have started to feel like locals, also we have got used to having the shops nearby so could go down for anything we needed and now we will have to start planning again to get to shops, etc., but we are looking forward to going to pastures new now we are allowed to move again.


We untied and went across to the boatyard, Talbot Wharf to get diesel.  Tim and Lisa who run the boatyard have been so friendly and helpful and we would definitely recommend them if you need anything boat related. We had a nice chat to them and also Geoff who moors there.  We then said our goodbyes and headed off under the bridge leaving our lockdown spot behind us. 

We were soon going under the A53 and leaving Market Drayton behind us.  The sun was shining as we chugged along passing a long line of moored boats and going under a few bridges.


There was a heron on the towpath and everytime we got close, he flew in front of us I think he was guiding us probably as we haven’t moved for so long he thought we might need him to show us the way!

We passed a couple of boats coming the other way but the canal was much quieter than we thought it would be. 

We then came to turnover bridge which takes the towpath from one side to the other.       

We went on then we were approaching Adderley locks.  There are five locks in this flight.

The gate was open so we went straight into the lock. Kev got off and shut the gates, we then went to the bottom gates and opened the paddles to empty the lock.  There was a boat coming up the next lock so we left he gates open for them.

We were soon through the next lock and onto number three.  There was a chap walking his dog so he helped with a couple of the gates so that was nice of him.

As a boat had come up, all the locks were set for us so that made life easy.

We went through locks 3 and 4 and then we were at lock 5, we were soon through there and while I closed the gates Kev chugged on to the moorings below the locks.  There was only two boats there so plenty of room for us.

We moored up and then had some lunch. We enjoyed our cruise today, it was lovely moving along again and doing some locks and especially nice as the sun was shining.

 We are now going to stay here for a few days then at the beginning of next week we will move on to Audlem.



  1. I was just about to email to see what your plans were … now I know! We'll catch up with you at sometime. Where are you headed after Audlem?

    1. We are staying around Audlem until after the May bank holiday as there is a floating market there at the bottom of the locks and we are attending the market then heading towards Nantwich.

    2. OK, I'll keep it in mind. We have our second jabs next Friday, then after that we will probably want to do a small trip on the boat at some time. Maybe we could head for Audlem while you're still in the area. xxx
