Friday 30 April 2021

Below Lock 11 to Below Audlem Locks - Shropshire Union Canal

 Friday 30th April

We have had a nice few days moored below lock 11 and the weather has been kind.  We have been out and about walking, catching a bus to Nantwich and going to Market Drayton for the market with our friend Jane.

Today we are moving down four locks to take our place ready for the floating market this weekend.

We set off from our mooring to lock no. 12 and it was a lovely sunny morning. The lock was empty so I filled it up and opened the gate and Kev came in with the boat.  We were soon down the lock so I opened the gates and Kev went out, under the bridge and onto the services which are next to the Shroppie Fly pub.  We moored up and filled up with water and got rid of our rubbish.

When we were done, I went and set lock 13 for us.  These locks are not very deep so we were soon onto lock 14.  Unfortunately all the locks were against us today so I had to fill this one as well before I could open the gate and Kev could bring the boat in.


We didn’t take long to go down the lock and then we were on to our last lock and the bottom lock in this flight of 15 locks.

There was two Canal and River Trust people doing some work at this lock so one of them helped with the gates. 


Most of the other traders were already in their places, so we chugged past them to our spot, no. 8 of 10 boats. We moored up okay and we have a lovely open spot overlooking Moss Hall and a little pond and the infant River Weaver.

We will be staying here until next Tuesday or Wednesday then we will move on towards Nantwich.  The market is on tomorrow, Sunday and Monday so fingers crossed the sun will shine so we get lots of people come to see us and hopefully make lots of sales.

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