Tuesday 9 June 2020

High Onn (Bridge 25) to Wheaton Aston

Tuesday 9th June

Leaving High Onn
Off We Go
We are finally able to start our Summer trip.  We have been moored at High Inn the last couple of nights, but this morning we set off from our mooring.

Long Straight Canal
Coming to a Bridge
We are going to Wheaton Aston, the canal is still pretty quiet and we only passed a couple of boats. It was a dry day but not much sunshine as we chugged along.

Tree Canopy
Buttercups on the side of the canal
After a couple of miles we came into Wheaton Aston and moored in the visitor moorings before Turner's garage as we want to fill up with diesel when we leave, its very cheap from here 64p a litre at the moment.

There are a couple of shops in the village, so we walked up to the Spar to get a few things.  We then came back and had some lunch.

Ducks leading the way
This afternoon, we will walk up to the corner shop to get an ice-cream as the sun has come out and it’s turned into a nice warm day.

We are staying here tonight then moving on to Brewood tomorrow after we have visited Turners garage and filled up with water at the services as it is forecast to be another dry day and as you know we don’t boat in the rain so let’s hope the forecast is correct!
Moored at Wheaton Aston

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