Tuesday 30 June 2020

Radford Bank to Tixall Wide (Staffs & Worcs Canal)

Tuesday 30th June

We are moving on today but first we walked up to the Aldi to get the rest of our shopping. It was nice and quiet so had plenty of room to stroll around and actually look at things instead of going quickly around like we have had to do during the pandemic.
Going under the road bridge
Shush don't wake him!

We got back to the boat, put the shopping away then got ready to go.  We set off along the canal, under the road bridge and on we went.

Red Brick Bridge
Just before Bridge 101 there used to be a canal branch here connecting to Stafford via the River Sow. They are trying to restore this connection but doesn’t look as much is happening a part from a sign post.
Sign Post

We went on and under a few bridges and then came to a small aqueduct, an early structure by James Brindley. It has the River Sow running underneath.

Coming to the Aqueduct
The River Sow running underneath
We chugged on a bit further and then was approaching Tixall lock.  I got off and filled the lock as it was empty. This is only a small lock just over 4ft deep so didn’t take long to fill. I opened the gates and Kev brought the boat in.

Nice Morning
Gemma Panda at Tixall Lock
We were soon through there and on our way again. We went around a couple more bends then we were at Tixall wide where we moored up. This is a very popular mooring spot and gets very busy but we were glad go see today there was only a couple of boats here so plenty of room for us.

Sign at Tixall Lock
In Tixall Lock
Geese at Tixall Wide
Tixall Gatehouse
Tixall wide is a large expanse of water, more like a lake than a canal. It is said it was built like this in order not to compromise the view from Tixall Hall which has long gone. The only remaining bit of the hall is the gatehouse.  This massive square Elizabethan building dates from 1598 and is four storeys high.  It stands alone in a field and is considered to be one of the most ambitious gatehouse’s in the country. It is now available as a holiday let.

This is such a lovely spot to moor with ducks and geese on the water.

We will stay here for a couple of days now then head on to Great Haywood.

Moored at Tixall Wide

Monday 29 June 2020

Acton Trussell to Radford Bank (Staffs & Worcs Canal)

Friday 26th to Monday 29th June

Scarecrows Tea Party
Acton Trussell Church
We have stayed put the last few days as the weather hasn’t been too good.  We did a few jobs and also did a few walks and some geocaching. We had a walk through the village of Acton Trussell and they were running a scarecrow competition and a lot of the houses had participated, really good to see.  
Hospital was full so using the green!
Water Skiing Scarecrow

We also walked up to the small church but unfortunately it wasn’t open so we couldn’t go inside.
Today (Monday) we are finally moving on. It was a dry morning when we got up, but overcast and very blustery. We are just going a few miles to Radford Bank where there is an Aldi a few minutes walk from the canal so we can stock up with supplies.

White Ducks Today
Passing the Moat House Hotel & Pub
Coming to a Bridge
We set off along the canal past the Moat House pub and hotel which has a really good restaurant and I was going to take Kev there for his birthday in April but due to the coronavirus he dipped out as they had to close and are still shut at present but maybe on our way back past here in August I might treat him then if he’s lucky!

Lovely Flowers on the Canal
We chugged on and met a couple of boats coming the other way, but the canal is still fairly quiet at the moment but this will all change at the weekend as from Saturday people can visit and stay in their second homes and hire boats can go out again so every man and his boat will be coming out the marinas, it will be like wacky races so we will be moored up for the weekend and just watch from the side lines!

Coming into Deptmore Lock
Hope No Ones Coming!
We then came to Deptmore lock which is over 10 feet deep. I got the lock ready and opened the gates and Kev brought the boat in.  Kev closed the gate and then opened the off side paddle before he got back on board and I did the paddle this side and down the boat went.

Passing Stafford Boat Club
The lock empties quite quickly so we were soon through there and on our way again.

Quiet Canal Today
We went on under a bridge and past Stafford Boat Club where we are going into dry dock in August, around a bend and moored up at Radford Bank.

Dry Dock where we will be going
In the afternoon we walked up to the Aldi to get the heavy things like tins and bottles of squash.  Then in the morning we will go back up and get the rest of the shopping, just saves carrying it all in one go.

We are staying here tonight, going up to Aldi in the morning then heading off a few miles to Tixall wide a lovely rural spot to moor for a few days before we chug on to Great Haywood and reach the end of the Staffs & Worcs canal.

Moored at Radford Bank

Thursday 25 June 2020

Penkridge to Acton Trussell (Staffs & Worcs Canal)

Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th June

In Penkridge Wednesday is market day so we got up, had breakfast then set off to the market via the house that is making and selling the face masks as we wanted to get a couple more.  They are really well made and very comfortable.  We picked a couple up then made our way to the market.
Face Masks for Sale

There is only one entrance into the market now and they have made a queueing system to get in which snakes around the car park, we got in the queue and after a short wait we were allowed to go in, they had hand sanitiser and it was one way around the market and the pathways were wide enough to pass people so it worked really well and felt comfortable walking around.  We went to the bakers on the way back and there was quite a queue which is no surprise as it is such a great place and all the products are delicious.
One Out, One In

Today (Thursday) we are on the move.  As it is another hot day and we have to stop at the services and have 5 locks go do we set off about 8.45am .  As we were about to leave, a boat came past and the boat behind us went as well.
In He Comes

We got to Filance lock and had to wait a bit until it was our turn and a boat came up so when they came out in we went.

Penkridge Lock
Going through Penkridge
We chugged on through Penkridge and stopped at the services which is by the next lock.  We filled up with water, got rid of rubbish etc., then I got the lock ready for us.

Going under the M6
We were soon through there and on we went with the M6 alongside us to the next lock, Longford lock. A boat had just come out of the lock so it was set for us which was good.  I opened the gates and Kev brought the boat in and down we went.
M6 running alongside the canal

We chugged on to the next lock and went under the M6 and then arrived at Park Gate lock where there is a boat yard and a chandlery where we were going to stop to get a few things but it has been closed since lockdown and we have found out that it is staying permanently closed which is a shame as it was always a good place to get boat things.

Under the M6
Coming to a Bridge
A boat was coming up so I helped the lady do the lock and then when they came out, we went in.  I closed the gates and down we went.

In lock by the boatyard
Around  a Bend we go
We went on along the canal to the last lock for today, Shutt Hill lock.  When I got there a lady was on the lock and obviously they were going through whether the lock was in their favour or not as instead of waiting on the lock moorings her husband had brought the boat right up to the lock gates so if it had been our lock he would have to have reversed back out to the lock landing which would have been great but unfortunately the lock was in their favour. 

Heron in the shallows
I chatted to her and she said they didn’t live on their boat it was their second home and had been out over 3 weeks and she said I know we are not supposed to stay overnight but we are and we don’t care!  Good job everyone doesn’t have that attitude!

We got through the lock okay and chugged on around the corner and moored up in a lovely sunny open spot at Acton Trussell.

We are now staying here for a few days as the forecast for tomorrow and Saturday is for rain and thunder storms and as you know we don’t boat in the rain! Then we will head on a bit further.
Moored at Acton Trussell

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Gailey to Penkridge (Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal)

Fourth lock of today

Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd June

Monday, we stayed put and walked down to Dobbies garden centre.  We walked straight in and there was only a few people inside.  They had a one way system around the store and it was all fine, it felt quite relaxed, I think it was because there was only a handful of people around.

Here He Comes
Off He Goes
Today (Tuesday), we are on the move to Penkridge, only about 2 miles but we have at least four locks to do and a couple more if the moorings where we hope to stop are full.

Wind Turbine in the field
Mum and Baby by the lock
It was a glorious sunny warm day as we set off.  The first lock was just around the corner so I walked to it to get it ready.  Kev came with the boat.  We were soon through there and on to the next one which wasn’t far away.  The canal was quiet today and we didn’t see any other boats moving.

M6 is very close here
There are two wind turbines in one of the fields alongside the canal and as you get close to them, you can see just how big they are.

In lock by M6
Coming to a bridge
We were soon at the third lock and the M6 motorway runs alongside, it was quite noisy and busy today but I bet if you came through here during lockdown it would have been bliss, back to reality now!

We chugged on under a few bridges and then came to our fourth lock and hopefully the last one for today.  All the locks were set against us today so we had to fill each one first but it doesn’t take too long.
Gemma Panda at Boggs Lock

Flowers by the canal
We went through the lock and on we went along the canal, under a couple more bridges and moored up just before the Cross Keys pub at Penkridge.

Lovely Sunny Day
Coming into Penkridge
We had lunch then walked back to the bridge, up onto the road and along there to a small shopping complex where there was a Co-op.  It was extremely quiet so we went straight in and got a few things. 

Cross Keys Pub
I found out there was a house in Penkridge selling homemade masks for £2.50 each and all proceeds were going to the local food bank so we went off to find the house and sure enough they had lots of masks in different colours, we bought a couple and then walked back to the main road and down to the village.

Gemma Panda in Penkridge
There is a nice baker’s and butchers here so we got a few things in the Baker’s, then called in to the Butchers. We then walked back to the boat along the towpath.  

Swan Family
There were some more moorings this side of the pub which were in full sun.  When we got back to the boat, the solar panels were in the shade and that will never do, so we untied, went past the pub under the bridge and moored up in the lovely sunny spot where we had just walked.

We are staying here for a couple of days as tomorrow is market day so we shall go and have a look around there, then on Thursday we shall probably chug on.

Moored at Penkridge