Wednesday 26 April 2017

Queens Head Pub to Below Tardebigge Top Lock (Worcester & Birmingham Canal)

We are off up the mighty Tardebigge locks today, we have 29 to do, there are 30 in this flight but we will moor below the last one and save that for another day.  The sun was shining but the wind was cold, it felt more like November than April but at least its dry so no complaining.
And off we go, only 28 more to go!

Working up the flight
It's hard work, this locking lark!
We set off early, just after 8am, well that is early for us, maybe not for others!  Smuggler and I walked to the first lock, got it ready as unfortunately two boats had already gone in front of us so the locks were against us, but didn’t take long to empty and in Kev came and we started off on our journey.
Come on Kev, not too far now

Smugs and I walked to each lock and got it ready while Kev finished off the last lock then brought the boat into the one I had got ready and we worked our way up the flight.

Great Crested Grebe
Passing the Reservoir
In the middle section we met two boats coming down so some of the locks were set for us which made life easier.  In one of the pounds there was a Great Crested Grebe which was nice to see as you don’t see them that often.

Our last lock for today
Hurray, we made it!
We worked our way up and then we got to Tardebigge Reservoir, when we see this we know we are not too far from the top.

Up we went and eventually we were at the top of the flight, not the very top as there is one more lock but it is a little way from all the other locks and we are mooring before that lock.  Smugs and I cheered as we went through the last lock, it took us about 4½ hours to get up the flight so we moored up just under the bridge and we all had some lunch and a well earned rest. The flight is hard work but really nice to do as they are set in lovely countryside and the locks are easy to work.

A bit later in the afternoon we went for a walk along the canal and up to the last lock.  We are now chilling out and staying here for a couple of days. 

Moored below Tardebigge Top Lock


  1. Well done! Smuggler really looks like he's cheering :-)

    1. Yes it does, it's a great photo, he then had a good sleep when we got back in the boat!
