Saturday 8 April 2017

Day in Upton

Church of St Peter & St Paul
We are staying put today so had breakfast and the sun was shining again.  We decided to do a nice walk this morning and fit in some geocaches on the way.  We set off through the town and soon came to the Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul and there was a cache there which we found quite easily.  It is a lovely church.  We then went on to our next one which was off would you believe it Minge Lane!  That made Kev chuckle!  

Minge Lane!
We found that one as well, then crossed the road and went down a lane and found our third cache of the morning. We don’t usually find all of them so we were quite chuffed. 

River Severn
We then went down a bridleway and walked along there for a bit and I somehow fell over a branch and hit the deck, I went down like a sack of spuds!  I didn’t hurt myself only my pride so on we went and got our fourth cache of the day.  We then followed a path through the fields and after a while we came to the River Severn and the Severn Way.  There was another cache there and believe it or not we got that one as well.
Walking the Severn Way

It was such a beautiful morning and very warm, so we ambled along by the river and soon came to the last cache we were doing today, but unfortunately even though we searched high and low, no luck for this one, but never mind we did well today.

Upton Ham
We then came to Upton Ham which is an area of special scientific interest and walked all through there and eventually it brought us back to Upton and the boat.

We had lunch then went for another walk over to the marina as it was too nice a day to sit indoors.  We sat outside at the marina and had a coffee and a lime and soda then wandered back to the riverside and did our usual Derby and Joan sitting on a bench for a while.

We are just chilling out tonight then off up to Worcester tomorrow morning.


  1. Lovely weather for the start of your adventure!

    1. Yes its been a dream start, hope it continues.

    2. Fingers crossed for you — and us!
