Wednesday 1 July 2015

Radford Semele to Bridge 31 (Grand Union)

Two little doggies on the towpath!

We decided to chug on quite early this morning before the sun got too hot, so we left at 8.30am and chugged down the canal past two little dogs on the towpath, these two won’t need much walking as they are a bit wooden!! 

Radford Bottom Lock
We got to Radford Bottom Lock, unfortunately a boat had gone earlier, so I had to set the lock first, but it didn’t take long and soon we were at the top and chugging on to the next lock.  We have five to do today and the rest were quite easy as there were boats coming the other way so the locks were set for us and I even had help at a couple so that was good.

Leaving last lock for today
We stopped at Fosse Wharf for water, etc., then chugged on through the next two locks and moored up in a really nice sunny spot but with some shade just after Longhole Bridge No. 31 right in the middle of nowhere, no roads or anything, you could just hear the birds singing, really lovely and peaceful.

We tried to get internet, but in or outside the boat there wasn’t any, but just by the front of the boat there was a tree and if you stood there, you got internet, but nowhere else, really weird, so we have our own internet tree today, to post this blog, I will have to hang the phone in a bag on the tree and I will be able to post!!

Horses on the towpath
I was sitting in my chair just listening to the birds and couldn’t believe my eyes as coming down the towpath was seven horses, they got near us and stopped, they wouldn’t come any further.  Then in the field by us, we heard voices and Kev asked him if he was looking for some horses and they were right by us, he then came out of the hedge and another had come by the road and then along the towpath, they said they had taken them out of their field and down to the canal to wash them but they had escaped, they ushered them back along the towpath.  I settled back in my chair and would you believe it, a few more horses came along the towpath again, Kev walked down to them and ushered them back the way they had come and then a chap came along and said they were part of the original group but had been spooked and came running back along the towpath.  He disappeared with them.

The breakaway group!
A little while later, a lady came along the towpath and said she was looking for horses as for the third time a few horses came up the towpath again, she ushered them back and then the same chap came and took them back to where they had come from.

Well, we thought we were moored in the quietest spot on the canal, you should always expect the unexpected!!

We settled down for the rest of the afternoon.  We are having a bbq for tea so that will be nice, hopefully it will be a little cooler by then, roll on the thunder storms that’s what I say!!

We are chugging on tomorrow and as we have five locks to do, we will leave again fairly early so we are moored up by late morning before it gets too hot. 

Moored at Bridge 31

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