Tuesday 21 July 2015

Banbury to Bridge156 Slat Mill Bridge (South Oxford Canal)

After a lovely week’s stay in Banbury, it is time to move on, it has been really good here with lots of shops and also the train station which enabled us to do a couple of trips but onto pastures new.

Leaving Banbury behind
We decided to have a late start today as surprise, surprise we are not going very far, so we went into BHS and had breakfast, they do eat as much as you like breakfast for £3.99, so we filled up substantially, it was really good value.  We got a final few bits of shopping, then set off up the canal leaving Banbury behind us.

We soon came to Hardwick lock, the first of three locks we are doing today and a boat was just coming out, good timing, so we were soon through there, under the M40 motorway bridge and onto the next one where CRT were doing some repairs because the lock was leaking badly, but they had just finished when we got there and another boat was just coming down, so that lock was set for us as well.  

Pulling boat into lock
In Slat Mill Lock
On up the canal, round a bend where we met another boat, the pound was really low due to the leaking lock and we got stuck on the side at a 45o angle, and the other boat was stuck as well, Kev gave it a bit of welly and we slid off the side and was straight again so we could shut the drawers, etc which had all opened!!  Soon we were at Slat Mill Lock, our last lock for today.  Unfortunately, the lock was full so I had to empty it first, but it didn’t take long.  Kev pulled the boat into the lock so he could do shut one of the bottom gates to save me going back and forth across the lock.   We filled the lock and soon were at the top and out of the lock and we moored just past Bridge 156 (Slat Mill Bridge).  It is a lovely open spot opposite fields.

We will stay here tonight then chug on tomorrow.

Moored at Bridge 156

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