Saturday 7 August 2021

Bridge 78 to Sandon - Trent & Mersey Canal


Friday 6th August

We are moving on a few miles this morning, the forecast is not too good but was dry when we got up, so we decided to go.

We set off along the canal, under a few bridges and then it started to rain, so poor Kev got wet, I was okay as I was inside!

We then came to Weston lock where a boat was coming down so that was good. Soon it was our turn and Kev brought the boat into the lock.  Once through there we went on our way again, passing the village of Weston and then came to Salt where there is a very beautiful bridge.

We chugged on along the canal and then the rain stopped and it brightened up thank goodness as we have another lock to do, and I didn’t want to do it in the rain!

After a while we were approaching Sandon lock.  I went up to the lock which was empty so I opened the gates for Kev to come in.  As we were coming up the lock a couple of boats turned up so they helped with the gates and we were soon on our way again.

We went on for about another half mile then moored up in a lovely open spot. 

The village of Sandon is just up the road from the lock so we walked back down to the lock and up the road to the junction.  There is a village stores so we went in there.  Also at the junction are the gates to Sandon Hall, a country house and gardens used for weddings and events.

Just across the road was a pub called The Dog and Doublet so obviously we had to go in.

It was lovely and we had some lunch which was excellent.  Apparently the head chef used to work for Tom Kerridge at his two Michelin star pub and it showed in the food and presentation.

Suitably full, we wandered back to the canal and the boat.

We are staying here tonight and tomorrow then on Sunday we are heading to the lovely town of Stone and let’s hope we can get there in the dry.

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