Friday 9 October 2020

Coole Pilate to Bridge 80 - Shropshire Union Canal


Friday 2nd to Tuesday 6th October

We spent the weekend at Coole Pilate doing jobs and generally chilling out.  For a couple of days we were moored there on or own so nice and quiet then a couple of boats joined us.  Up on the road on Coole Lane there is a farm that sells rare breeds pork so we walked up there and got some bacon, sausages, belly pork and burgers, it’s really good meat and the bacon is exceptionally good.

When we got back to the boat, we realised we forgot to get pork mince as I want to make some sausage rolls so I rang the farm and the lady said they had some and they were coming down in the afternoon to the field opposite to where we were moored so they would bring us a bag.  So that is what they did and I met them by the bridge, so not only excellent meat but great service as well!

Sunday morning Jane, Malcolm, Harry, Malcolm’s brother Michael and his dog Bob 2 walked up to see us.

Tuesday we decided to move down to outside the marina.  We had some rain but then it cleared up and the sun came out so that was our window to go.

We set off along the canal, under a few bridges and soon came to the moorings before Bridge 80 which was good as the sky was getting blacker and rain was on its way again. There was no boats there so we had the pick of the spaces. 

In the afternoon, it brightened up again so we walked down to Audlem and went to the Butchers and the Coop. When we came out of the Coop, it was very black again and starting to rain, so we went into The Lord Combermere pub for a coffee and to wait for the rain to stop.


When we got in there, Kev took his glasses off as they steamed up, when we sat down he went to put them on but couldn’t find them, they seemed to have disappeared, we checked all the bags and his coat but no luck and then he found them in the last place you would think they would be, inside the umbrella! He moved the umbrella and they fell onto the floor, he thinks he took them off and thought he had put them in his pocket but they went into the folded umbrella instead, we did laugh, old age setting in I think!!

When we left the pub it had almost stopped raining and as we were walking back it got brighter so we didn’t really get wet.


We are staying here a few days now and tomorrow (Wednesday) we are meeting Jane, Sheila and Tony at the cafe in the marina for Brunch so looking forward to that then Friday we will move down to the bottom of the Audlem flight.

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