Monday 27 May 2019

Coole Pilate Moorings to Nantwich - Shropshire Union Canal

Wednesday 22nd to Monday 27th May

One of Kev's new shelves
We spent a nice few days at Coole Pilate doing jobs on the boat, going out walking, a visit to the marina one afternoon for coffee and a scone and Kev made some shelves to display our products which we are selling and although Coole Pilate is in the middle of nowhere, he made a sale to the boat in front of three door names so that was good.

Down he goes
What are you lot looking at!
On Saturday, it was a lovely calm evening and 11 hot air balloons came across the canal, one or two struggled to get across but just made it and went down in the field near where we were moored.  The others managed to get airborne again and went on further, it was quite a sight.
Many Balloons

Across the canal he goes
Today (Bank Holiday Monday) we are on the move.  It was dry but quite overcast as we set off along the canal, it was lovely mooring at Coole Pilate as it is such a great spot but time to move on to pastures new.

A Dry Morning
Filling up the lock
We went under a couple of bridges, then came to Hack Green locks, there are two and not very deep so don’t take long to get through.  Unfortunately the bottom gates had been left open, it was probably the boat that had sped by us earlier when we were still moored up, obviously in a great hurry!!

We filled the lock and Kev brought the boat in, and then I opened the paddles and down he went and then onto the next lock.  The gates on that one were open as well so Kev shut them and then we got the lock ready for us.

In he comes
We didn’t take long to get through this lock and then we were on our way long the canal.  

In one of the fields, there was a lot of cows who all started stampeding towards the canal, and then started drinking, they were all obviously very thirsty, hope they don't drink the canal dry!  After a couple of miles, we were approaching Nantwich, and we moored up near the aqueduct.  We nearly managed to get there in the dry but just as we were mooring up, we had a really heavy shower and we got wet, but guess what just after we had tied up and gone inside, the rain stopped and the sun came out, typical!!

Thirsty Cows
In the bottom lock
We needed to get some supplies, so we walked into the town, had a look around the shops that were open.  There was a shop and art gallery called The Pillory that sold candles, gifts and other things, so we went in to have a look and there was a really nice cafĂ© at the back so we decided to have a coffee and a spot of lunch and very good it was too, we will definitely go there again.

Coming into Nantwich
We then headed to Aldi to get our food shopping, then walked back to the boat.  In the afternoon, we walked down the canal to the services as we had acquired a lot of rubbish over the last few days, so we took it to the bins.  We had a heavy shower on the way back to the boat and some hailstones. 

There has been sunshine today together with some very heavy showers, let’s hope it’s dry tomorrow.

We are staying here now for a few days, doing some more shopping, having a day trip to Chester and hopefully meeting up with our friends John, Sharon and Smuggler who are on their way up to Tattenhall Marina in Cheshire and will be passing through here in the next few days so looking forward to seeing them and then we will be heading to the Llangollen canal which we haven’t done before so a new adventure awaits.

Moored at Nantwich

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to meeting up, I think we've got about twelve to thirteen hours travelling to Nantwich, going by our logbooks. We're at Norbury at the moment, stopped at lunchtime as it started to rain and we were cold — have lit the woodburner! We'll probably get to Nantwich late afternoon on Friday so should have a couple of nights in hand to spend time with you both before we move on to Tattenhall. xxx
