Monday 27 May 2019

Coole Pilate Moorings to Nantwich - Shropshire Union Canal

Wednesday 22nd to Monday 27th May

One of Kev's new shelves
We spent a nice few days at Coole Pilate doing jobs on the boat, going out walking, a visit to the marina one afternoon for coffee and a scone and Kev made some shelves to display our products which we are selling and although Coole Pilate is in the middle of nowhere, he made a sale to the boat in front of three door names so that was good.

Down he goes
What are you lot looking at!
On Saturday, it was a lovely calm evening and 11 hot air balloons came across the canal, one or two struggled to get across but just made it and went down in the field near where we were moored.  The others managed to get airborne again and went on further, it was quite a sight.
Many Balloons

Across the canal he goes
Today (Bank Holiday Monday) we are on the move.  It was dry but quite overcast as we set off along the canal, it was lovely mooring at Coole Pilate as it is such a great spot but time to move on to pastures new.

A Dry Morning
Filling up the lock
We went under a couple of bridges, then came to Hack Green locks, there are two and not very deep so don’t take long to get through.  Unfortunately the bottom gates had been left open, it was probably the boat that had sped by us earlier when we were still moored up, obviously in a great hurry!!

We filled the lock and Kev brought the boat in, and then I opened the paddles and down he went and then onto the next lock.  The gates on that one were open as well so Kev shut them and then we got the lock ready for us.

In he comes
We didn’t take long to get through this lock and then we were on our way long the canal.  

In one of the fields, there was a lot of cows who all started stampeding towards the canal, and then started drinking, they were all obviously very thirsty, hope they don't drink the canal dry!  After a couple of miles, we were approaching Nantwich, and we moored up near the aqueduct.  We nearly managed to get there in the dry but just as we were mooring up, we had a really heavy shower and we got wet, but guess what just after we had tied up and gone inside, the rain stopped and the sun came out, typical!!

Thirsty Cows
In the bottom lock
We needed to get some supplies, so we walked into the town, had a look around the shops that were open.  There was a shop and art gallery called The Pillory that sold candles, gifts and other things, so we went in to have a look and there was a really nice café at the back so we decided to have a coffee and a spot of lunch and very good it was too, we will definitely go there again.

Coming into Nantwich
We then headed to Aldi to get our food shopping, then walked back to the boat.  In the afternoon, we walked down the canal to the services as we had acquired a lot of rubbish over the last few days, so we took it to the bins.  We had a heavy shower on the way back to the boat and some hailstones. 

There has been sunshine today together with some very heavy showers, let’s hope it’s dry tomorrow.

We are staying here now for a few days, doing some more shopping, having a day trip to Chester and hopefully meeting up with our friends John, Sharon and Smuggler who are on their way up to Tattenhall Marina in Cheshire and will be passing through here in the next few days so looking forward to seeing them and then we will be heading to the Llangollen canal which we haven’t done before so a new adventure awaits.

Moored at Nantwich

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Audlem (Moss Hall) to Coole Pilate Visitor Moorings - Shropshire Union Canal

Turning Around
Today we are finally leaving Audlem and moving on.  We wanted to fill up with water and the tap is back up above the second lock, so we are going to reverse up the first lock and moor just before the second lock then fetch the water in containers.

Reversing into the lock
Reversing back out of the lock
Back in the lock again
We left our mooring and Kev came down to the winding hole and turned around.  While he was doing this, I emptied the lock and opened the gates and he reversed back into the lock.  I closed the gates and slowly filled the lock and soon we were up the top and Kev reversed back up the pound and moored up before the next lock.

Passing Over Water Marina
Kev plodded up and down the towpath to and from the water point with his trolley and container and after 12 trips the tank was full!

Lovely Sunny Day
We then headed back to the lock and down we went.  We then set off along the canal to Coole Pilate which are some lovely moorings made by the Shropshire Union Canal Society with picnic tables.
Goose Family
Heron Taking Off
We passed Overwater Marina and chugged on along the canal.  It was a lovely sunny day but quite blustery.  There was a Heron on the towpath which when we got to him, he flew off and then landed further up and did that for a while.  I tried to get a photo of him taking off but didn't have too much success.
There he goes again !

We went under a couple of bridges and moored up at Coole Pilate.

We will stay here now for a few days then move on a bit further.

Moored at Coole Pilate

Mooring at Moss Hall, Visits to Dagfields and Whitchurch

Monday 13th to Monday 20th May

Monday – We didn’t do much, just a few jobs and went to the butchers in the village and the local shop.  We had a coffee in one of the cafes and then moved across to the tables outside the Chocolate Shop and Post Office for an ice cream as they sell Snugburys which is great ice cream.

Lots of Things at Dagfields
Tuesday – In the afternoon, we walked up to the marina and had a coffee in the café, it’s a nice walk and a very nice marina and café.  In the evening, Jane came to tea and we had a lovely time eating, chatting and drinking gin!

Dagfields Sign
Wednesday – We went to Dagfields Antique and Craft Centre with Tony and Sheila and we had a lovely day looking around all the units full of antiques and bric-a-brac. It is a massive place and lots to see.  There are two cafes, so we had coffee in one and lunch in the other.  Tony and Sheila are great to be with and we had a lot of laughs.  We spent about five hours there and could easily have stayed longer, it was a great day.
Plants at Dagfields

Thursday – Tony took Kev to B&Q to get some wood and I stayed with Sheila. Kev texted me when they were leaving B&Q and then Sheila and I walked down to the canal and met them by the pub.  Kev loaded up his trolley and off we went back to the boat.  Kev then spent the afternoon cutting out personalised picture frames ready to sell.

Powells Pies
Friday – We got the bus to Whitchurch.  It is a really nice town and we spent a good few hours browsing the shops and the small market.  There is a lovely café which is in a very old building with beams and low ceilings so we had lunch there. There is also a pork pie maker called Powells and they make the pies with wooden dollies, the old fashioned way,  you can watch them in the their shop, so we called by there and obviously bought a couple.  We then walked to the Lidl and up the hill to where Jane’s works.  She finishes at 2pm so when she had locked up, we went for coffee in a nearby café then she drove us back to Audlem.  In the evening, we went to Jane’s house and Dave and Anthea came as well and we all had a Chinese takeaway which was really good.  Malcolm joined us later when he finished work.  It was a really lovely evening.

Heron in the filed
Saturday – We got the bus to Nantwich as Kev had to pick up his new glasses from Specsavers.  There was an Antiques market in the square so we had a look around there and also got some other shopping.  There is a café in a bookshop which we call the Library so we went there for refreshments and it was good as always.  We got the bus back and then just chilled out.

Footpath across the Field
Sunday – We didn’t do much today apart from a bit of tidying up and Kev did some more work on his personalised names, painting and sanding down.

Monday – We went for a walk in the morning across the field and did a cache on the way.  The path led to the village and we went in the Butchers to get a few things and then to the Co-op, then back down the towpath to the boat.  In the evening, we went for a meal at the Lord Combermere in the village with Jane, Tony and Sheila for Sheila's birthday which was yesterday and we had a lovely evening with great company and very good food.  We said goodbye to them as we are moving on tomorrow but will be back in July.  We have really enjoyed being with our Audlem family again having days out, eating, drinking and spending time together, it is always a lot of fun so can't wait to do it all again soon.

Panoramic View of from our Mooring at Moss Hall

Sunday 12 May 2019

Going in Marina, Dad's Memorial Day and Mooring at Moss Hall - Shropshire Union Canal

Sunday  5th to Sunday 12th May

Sunday – Jane invited us to her house for a roast dinner, Sheila & Tony was there and Malcolm managed to finish early and so we were all together, it was delicious, Jane is a great cook and always feeds us so well.

Now where's that Kev!!
At the Bottom Lock
Monday – We took the boat into the marina and had two locks to do from where we were moored, they are not deep locks and we were soon through them and on our way to the marina.  Jane and Harry came with us,  so when we had moored up in our allocated space which I have to say was not the best spot as the moorings rings were in funny places and didn’t fit our boat but Kev managed to get the rope around the wood.

Going into the Marina
Moored in the Marina
We then went and had breakfast in the café and it was really good.  Jane then walked back to Audlem with Harry and we went back to the boat.

Me, Mave & Dad
Steam Train
Us Sisters & Dad
Tuesday to Thursday – We went back to Weston and stayed at my friend Davinas.  We have come down as we are scattering my dad’s ashes on Wednesday. My sister’s Carole, Janet and Lesley and my two brother-in-law Chris and Les and me and Kev and Mavis, my dad’s partner got the steam train from Bishops Lydeard to Watchet, it is the West Somerset Railway. We were originally going to Minehead but there was a problem with the track so the train could only go as far as Watchet.  My dad loved the steam train and so we thought it fitting to take him for one last trip.
All of Us

We scattered him on the rocks and beach and then had a nice lunch.  It was a lovely day, very emotional but my dad would have enjoyed it and I wanted to make a memory of dad day which we did.  
On the Beach

Thursday morning when we were getting up, there was a heron on the roof of the house opposite, I think our guide had come to lead us back home to the boat!!

Our Guide waiting to show us the way!
 We got back to the boat Thursday afternoon after visiting my nephew Nick and his wife Narissa who has cancer and is in a hospice but is doing unbelievably well and hopefully will be back home very soon.  It was lovely to see them both.
Gordanneus Crafts Sign

View from our Mooring at Moss Hall
Friday – We left the marina but before we did, we had breakfast in the café with Sheila & Tony.

Saturday – We went shopping in Nantwich to stock up on supplies and Jane kindly drove us there and back, we had a lovely morning browsing around the shops and market.

Sunday – We are having a day on the boat doing chores and Kev is making his wall art and craft ware.  Kev has bought a scroll saw and is busy making all kinds of things which hopefully we can sell and make a few bob. 

We are now moored at the bottom of the Audlem flight of locks and will stay around here this week, it’s a lovely area and we can get a bus to Nantwich or Whitchurch and also see our friends so a good place to stay around.

Moored at Moss Hall

Sunday 5 May 2019

Audlem (Between locks 2 & 3) to Audlem (Below Shroppie Fly) - Shropshire Union Canal

Saturday 4th May

Today we are off down the Audlem locks, probably doing 11 today and hopefully mooring before the last two locks.  It was a dry morning and the sun was out, but boy was it cold, more like December than May.
Little House on the lock

Starting down the flight
There was a boat in front of us going down the locks, so we waited for them to leave the lock, then we filled it back up and soon we were into the next lock.

The flight was very quiet and no one came behind us and we only met two or three coming up.
Lots more to do

On down the flight we go
The Shroppie Fly Pub
We worked our way down and unfortunately most of the locks were against us, so we had to fill them up before we could go in.  It is a nice flight of locks so we don’t mind doing them and after a couple of hours we were coming to the Shroppie Fly pub and hopefully the last lock for us.

Nearly Down
I checked the moorings below the lock and there was spaces so we went through the lock and moored up in the visitor moorings.

Little Harry
In the afternoon, we walked to our friends Jane’s house.  Their little dog Harry who comes and stays with us was very pleased to see us especially Kev.  He is a lovely dog and full of beans and likes to play, it was so lovely to see him again and Jane of course.  

Our other friends who live locally Dave and Anthea turned up, so great to see them again and we had a lovely afternoon and evening together catching up and having lots of laughs.  Jane did us all a great buffet tea and had made one of her delicious Victoria sandwich cakes so of course we had to have a piece of that!  Unfortunately we didn't get to see Malcolm again as he was working and didn’t finish until after 11pm!

Moored in Audlem