Monday 4 June 2018

Great Haywood to Wolseley Bridge - Trent & Mersey Canal

Today, we are leaving Great Haywood and chugging on a couple of miles.

Passing Shugborough Hall
It was not so sunny this morning as we set off along the canal but it was dry.  We passed through Little Haywood where we walked to on Saturday and then we were approaching Colwich lock.  There was a boat coming up the lock so I went down to give a hand.

Picture Frame on the Water!
Approaching Colwich Lock
We kept pushing the gate to open it but it wouldn't go, it looked as if the lock was full but just couldn’t open the gate, then the chap on the boat went to check that the bottom paddles were fully shut and found that they hadn't shut one properly so he closed it, the lock filled fully and the gate opened.  As he went past me, I said to him I don't know you just can't get the staff and he laughed and said no you can't as it was his wife who hadn't shut the paddle fully!

Kev brought the boat in and I emptied the lock and down he went, there was a boat waiting to come up so I left the gates open and we went on our way.

Leaving Colwich Lock
We chugged on a bit further and moored up at Wolseley Bridge.

In Colwich Lock
In the afternoon, Kev did some tidying up and we then just chilled out.

We are staying here a couple of days as just up the road is a Craft Centre, a Garden Centre and a small Nature Reserve so we are off up there tomorrow and are going to have a picnic there, in the nature reserve  hasten to add, not the garden centre!
Moored at Wolseley Bridge

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