Friday 27 April 2018

Alrewas to Fradley (above top lock) - Trent & Mersey Canal

Sunday 22nd April

We are on the move today and the sun was shining as we set off along the canal.  Last night the water dropped about 6 inches and we were on quite an angle, it felt I was walking up hill to the bathroom so Kev went out and let out the ropes so we were away from the side and a bit more level.  The water went up overnight so when we woke up, we were floating again.

In Bagnall Lock
Coming to Fradley Locks
We have seven locks to do today, the first, Bagnall lock was just around the corner from where we were moored, so I walked up to the lock and a boat was going up in front of us so I helped them and the lady from that boat said she would stay and help me with the bottom gates as they won't stay shut and it needs two people one to hold them shut and the other to go quickly to the other end and open a paddle so that’s what we did after Kev came into the lock.

Going up Fradley Locks
Lots of People Watching Today!
We chugged on along the canal and got to common lock.  We got through there okay and on we went and then came to the start of the five Fradley locks. We went up the first two locks and stopped at the services to fill up with water, get rid of rubbish and empty the elsan.

When we were ready, I walked to the next lock where there was a volunteer, there are usually volunteers on all these locks but not today, just our luck!  At least we had help on one.  This is a very busy area and as the sun was shining there were lots of people watching us go through the locks, so we made sure we looked like we knew what we were doing!
Lovely Day at Fradley

We worked our way up the locks and were soon at the top lock and guess what it started raining, so we got through the lock and luckily there was a space in the visitor moorings above the lock, so we tied up there.

We had some lunch and the rain stopped and the sun came out again so we walked back down the locks and had a look in the little shop by the pub and got an ice-cream and walked around Fradley pool.  We then had a coffee in the cafe and sat by the canal for a bit, then walked back up the locks to the boat.

We are staying here tonight then off to Armitage tomorrow.

Moored at Fradley above the Locks

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