Thursday 6 October 2016

Greensforge to Kinver (Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal)

I'm a busy bee today!

We are on the move again today and we have six locks to do and the sun was shining again so that was good.

And out we go
Ashwood Basin
Bye Bye
We were moored just up from the first lock so I walked down and set it and then Kev brought the boat in and down we went.  We chugged on along the canal and went past Ashwood Basin.  This used to be a railway-connected basin owned by the National Coal Board.  After the line was closed the basin was disused for some years, but it has now been enlarged and is now a private marina.  A road is carried over the basin by a small viaduct, which you can see from the canal.

In Rocky Lock
Nice to see they have been dredging
We soon came to our next lock, Rocky Lock and went through there and onto the next lock.  Just past this one is the site of the Gothersley Round House which was built in 1805 as part of the ironworks and lived in until the 1930s, not much left of it now though!
Site of Gothersley Round House
On we went along the canal, we passed a CRT boat doing some work and it was good to see that they have been dredging this canal.  We passed the entrance to the Stourbridge canal which we hope to do next year.
I can see you!

We then went through Stewpony lock where there is an old toll house.
Coming out Stewpony lock
This section of the canal is very winky wonky so we wound our way along and then came to Dunsley Tunnel which is 25yds long which is a rough-hewn bore carved out of the rock.  It also has a towpath running through it.
I'm not keen on these bridges

Dunsley Tunnel
We were then at Hyde Lock which has a couple of houses by it and one of them has little lock gates at the front.  

View from inside Hyde Lock
The old Toll House
We got to Kinver Lock where there is a pub on the lock and through there we went and moored in the visitor moorings below the lock.

We had lunch then went for a walk up into the village which is really nice there are a few shops and a couple of cafes.  We had a walk around then went for a coffee and then walked back to the boat.
Leaving Hyde Lock
Shopping alley in Kinver
We are staying here tonight and tomorrow morning we are off up to the Rock Houses, a National Trust property as the other times we have been here they have been closed so we will have a look around there and then chug off tomorrow afternoon.

Moored at Kinver

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