Thursday 13 October 2016

Upton Upon Severn to Gloucester Docks (River Severn)

Wednesday 12th October

Leaving Upton Upon Severn
Mythe Bridge

We are on the last leg of our journey today back to the Gloucester& Sharpness canal for the winter.  It was another nice morning as we set off from Upton Upon Severn down the river, hardly any flow and the river was like a mill pond. 

We chugged on and after a while we went under Mythe Bridge and past the turning to the River Avon.
Turning to the River Avon
Upper Lode Lock ready for us
We were then approaching Upper Lode Lock.  We had rung ahead to the lock keeper and so he had the lock all ready for us when we got there.  This is a huge lock but we hooked on to the poles and down we went nice and slowly.  He was a very friendly lock keeper.

Leaving the huge Upper Lode Lock
Once through there we headed on down the river.  We saw a couple of boats but it was quiet.  We passed a few waterside pubs and caravan parks and on we went until we were approaching the Partings which takes us down to Gloucester Lock.

We rang the lock keeper here to let him know we were coming and he said to me “sorry the lock is closed now until 5.30pm”, I thought oh no, Kev said my face was a picture!  I said to the lock keeper “why is it closed” and he said “its closed for lunch, I like a long lunch”.  I realised then it was Mike the usual lock keeper and he was teasing me, silly me for falling for it!!  He said he would get the lock ready for us. 
Coming down the Partings
We went down the partings, it used to be really narrow in this stretch but they have done some work here and now it is a lot wider and better.  We went under a few bridges around the last bend and there was Gloucester lock all ready for us.
Gloucester Dock ready for us

We went into the lock, hooked onto the poles and up we went nice and slow, the gates opened and we went out into Gloucester docks and moored on the pontoons, back where we started six months ago.
And out into Gloucester Docks
We are now at the end of our trip for this year and back on the Gloucester & Sharpness Canal.  We have been out for 27 weeks, we have travelled 423 miles through 9 different counties, namely Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, West Midlands, Warwickshire, Staffordshire, Cheshire, Shropshire, Derbyshire and Greater Manchester and have done 323 locks (some narrow and some wide beam) a couple of tunnels.  A few lift and swing bridges were thrown in for good measure.

 We visited some really interesting places like Macclesfield and Bugsworth Basin and found some lovely villages and new places to visit, some right on the canal and some a short walk away or train ride away and also several really good farm shops and traditional Butchers.   We went up the Macclesfield canal and onto the Peak Forest Canal which was 500ft above sea level and the views were amazing.  We turned into fell walkers and went up Mow Cop and White Nancy, both over 1000ft above sea level, the climbs up were hard but the views were well worth it.  We met up with my friend Gill in Market Drayton and spent a lovely day with her and we also met Sue who moors at Higher Poynton and we spent a nice evening together when we passed through there.  We met Sue and her husband Shaun a couple of years ago on our travels so it was nice to meet up again.

Our friends John, Sharon & Smuggler were out on their Summer trip and moored at Manchester so we caught a train from Congleton to see them and we spent a lovely day together eating Italian food and drinking Gin!

We also met up with Bill and Al who moor on the G&S in the Winter and we travelled for a while with Bill and also met up with Ziggy and his girlfriend Tony who used to moor on the G&S and had a lovely evening with them and Tony made us a lovely Goat Curry, first time we had tasted Goat and it was very good.

We also went to Audlem this year and spent time with our Audlem family, Jane and Malcolm, Dave and Anthea and Sheila and Tony and not forgetting little Harry and Brock.  We had a great time with them as we always do and lots of laughs.  We are going to Audlem on our travels next year and can’t wait to see them all again then and see how much Harry and Brock have grown.

We also had a visit to our friends Geoff, Sue and Roxy by train to Isleham, near Ely for a few days and Goeff and Kev went off to Silverstone for the British Grand Prix, I stayed with Sue and Roxy, we had a lovely time with them and they looked after us so well as always, we love going to stay with them and hope to go again sometime when they are up to putting up with us again!!

It has been such a great trip, the weather was very kind to us, we were only confined to barracks due to rain for about 3 to 4 days in the whole trip.  We have really enjoyed travelling around again without any time constraints and can’t wait for next year’s trip.

It has been good fun doing the blog again and great that our friends and family have been following our progress, so thanks to everyone who has had a look.  This will be our last blog for this year as we are now going to hibernate on the Gloucester & Sharpness canal for the winter, but we will be out travelling the canals and rivers next year and doing our blog and hope you will follow us then.

Kev & Sheila
Moored in Gloucester Docks

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Worcester to Upton Upon Severn (River Severn)

Church of St. Andrew

Church of St. Andrew

Yesterday (Monday) we stayed in Worcester and had a wander around the shops in the morning.  In the afternoon we walked along the river and saw a church with a very tall spire so we went to have a look.  It is the Medieval Church of St. Andrew which was demolished in around 1949 after many years of decay and decline.  All that remains is the 15th Century tower with its vaulted ceiling and fine series of 32 carved stone bosses. It is really lovely the spire and is so tall.  

We are staying here again tonight then moving on tomorrow morning.
Misty morning in Worcester

Passing under Stone Arched Bridge
We are off down to Upton today so we left the moorings just after 8.30am and went along the river under the lovely arched bridge with marvellous views of the Cathedral, it was quite a misty morning but looked very nice with the mist lying on the water.

Approaching Diglis Lock
Passing Edward Elgar
We got to Diglis lock and it was ready for us, so in we went and soon we were down and out and off we went again.  It was a lovely morning but really chilly. The first boat we saw coming the other way was Edward Elgar from Gloucester docks but luckily the river is nice and wide so we had no trouble passing him. 
Hanley Castl;e

Lovely morning on the Severn
We chugged on, past Hanley Castle, a wooded ridge with a curious turreted house projecting from the trees.  After a couple of hours we were approaching Upton Upon Severn and we moored on the visitor moorings.  There was only one boat there but not long after we got there they chugged off, we seem to have that effect on boaters!!  Another two boats did join us a bit later so that was okay.

Upton Upon Severn
We went for a walk up into the village, it is nice with quite a few shops.  We had a wander around and found a really good butchers, the Malvern Meat Company so we bought a few things and there is also a nice bakery in Upton where we got some fresh rolls then headed back to the boat for lunch.

After lunch, we walked to Upton Marina, there is a nice walk over Upton Bridge and along a path, over the Marina bridge and into the marina.  There is a nice café there so we had a coffee sat outside as it was another glorious sunny afternoon.

We walked through the marina and back to the path and back over the bridge to Upton.  

We are staying here tonight then off down the river tomorrow to our final destination for this trip, Gloucester.

Moored at Upton Upon Severn

Sunday 9 October 2016

Stourport (Staffordshire & Worcester Canal) to Worcester (River Severn)

Coming into York Street lock
In first Staircase Lock
Going through Worcester Basin
Out of one staircase into another

We are going out on the River Severn this morning, so we set off about 8.30am and went through York Street Lock, it was empty so we had to fill it first, then we went into Stourport Basin and stopped at the services to get water, etc. 
In Second Staircase
We then chugged through the basin to the first of the two staircase locks which takes you down to the River.  We went into the first lock and then two Volunteer lock keepers turned up and helped us.

I then went and opened the gates on the second staircase and Kev brought the boat in, although it was a bit like dodgems getting in, coming out of one staircase and into the next is quite awkward as they are at a funny angle to each other, but we got in eventually after whacking the side a couple of times!
Out onto the River Severn we go!

Lincomb lock all ready for us
Beautiful morning on the Severn
Coming out Holt Lock
The lock keepers said they would do the gates on the second lock so I got on and soon we were down and the gates opened and out onto the mighty River Severn we went.  It was a glorious sunny morning and the river was like a mill pond and really low, so we had a nice chug along to the first lock for today, Lincomb Lock, the locks are all manned now so we went in and hooked on to the poles running down the sides of the lock and down we went.  

Marker for River Severn
We went on along the River past a few pubs and into the next lock, Holt lock.  Same procedure in here and soon we were down and out the lock and on our way again.

Lovely morning in Worcester
We had one more lock to do, Bevere Lock and this one was ready for us as well when we got there so we went straight in and down we went and soon we were on our way again.

Lovely view of Worcester Cathedral
Cathedral and Bridge
It was a lovely trip along the river and soon we were approaching Worcester.  There are lovely views of the Cathedral from the river.  We went under the 5-arched stone bridge and went on as we were hoping to moor on the floating pontoon just before the next lock, but it was full, so we turned around and went back to the moorings by Worcester Race Course and moored up there in glorious sunshine.

We had lunch then went for a walk along the river and up to the locks, then back around and back to the boat.  It was such a lovely sunny afternoon, we bought an ice-cream and sat on a bench by the River, who would have thought it was nearly the middle of October!

We are staying here now until Tuesday when we will be off down the river to Upton upon Severn.

Moored at Worcester

Saturday 8 October 2016

Caunsall to Stourport (Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal)

Cookley Tunnel
In Debdale lock
We are on the move today and ending up in Stourport.  It was another dry day again as we set off and quite warm as well.  We chugged along for a bit then came to Cookley tunnel which is 65yds long, so soon through there and on our way to Debdale lock, the first of six that we are doing today. 

Little cave at the lock
Wolverley lock
Unfortunately it was empty so I had to fill it first and then through we went.  There is a little cave right by the lock. This stretch of the canal is very winky wonky and the non-towpath side is sandstone rock right down to the water, looks very impressive in places but makes the canal quite narrow in places.

Rocky section
Wolverley Court lock
Soon we were at the next lock, Wolverley lock where there is a pub right on the lock and so on to the next one, Wolverley Court Lock which is not very deep so doesn’t take long to go through.

We were then coming into Kidderminster and moored at the Sainsburys which is alongside the canal.  We went and got a few supplies and had some lunch then set out again.
Our boat and the lovely Church
In Kidderminster lock
Passing Weaver's Wharf
Just around the corner from there is Kidderminster lock where there is a lovely church overlooking the canal.  A boat was moored up there and they were filling the lock so they went through and then we filled the lock again and it was our turn.  This is quite a deep lock but empties quickly.  Under the road bridge and on we went and past Weaver’s Wharf with a really impressive building which used to be a carpet weaving factory.

In Caldwall lock
It is quite built up around here and okay in the day time but wouldn’t really want to stay overnight, good for shopping though.

We went through two more locks, Caldwall and Falling Sands, which were empty and so we had to fill them first, but doesn’t take that long.  The canal has been really quiet today and we have only met one boat going the other way. 
We chugged on for a couple of miles and then we were at Stourport where we moored up.

We are staying here tonight then off out on to the mighty River Severn tomorrow to Worcester.

Moored at Stourport