Tuesday 20 October 2015

Diglis Moorings, Worcester to Upton Upon Severn (River Severn)

Leaving Diglis Lock

We are off down the River Severn today.  We stopped just before Diglis lock to fill up with water, then signalled to the very friendly lock keeper when we were ready and he opened the lock for us and in we went.  All the locks on the River Severn are manned so you just go in and put your rope around the poles.  We put our ropes on the poles and the lock keeper said another boat was coming so we waited for him to come in the lock and he came alongside us and tied to us.  Then the lock keeper operated the lock and down we went.  It didn’t take very long and soon the gates were opening and we were on our way.
Lovely morning on the River Severn
It was a lovely sunny morning and the river is very low at the moment which makes a nice change for this time of year, in fact the lock keeper said this is the lowest the river has been all Summer which is really unusual for this time of year, but we aren’t complaining.

Bell Tower in Upton

We chugged on along the river and after a couple of hours we were approaching Upton Upon Severn where we were hoping to moor.  There was only a small cruiser on the pontoon so plenty of room for us .
Upton Church

We had lunch then went for a walk up into the village.  It is a nice small village with quite a few shops and most of them independent.  There is a 13th-C bell tower referred to as the “Pepperpot”, it is all that remains of the church that was demolished in 1937.  The tower is now a Heritage Centre.  Inside they have the history of Upton which is very interesting.  We had a look around there and then had a wander around the streets and walked down to the present church and had a look inside there.
Main street in Upton

We wandered back to the boat along the path overlooking the river.  We are staying here tonight then off down to Gloucester tomorrow.

Moored at Upton Upon Severn

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