Wednesday 28 July 2021

Bridge 93 to Stafford Boat Club - Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal

 Tuesday 27th July

We had rain in the night but was glad to see it was dry when we got up.

We set off along the canal to Deptmore lock which was not far from where we were moored.

 When we got there, we saw there was three boats in front of us waiting to go down and one in the lock so we knew we were in for a bit of a wait.  I went down to the lock and helped.  There were a couple waiting to come up so one down, one up.

Slowly we shuffled nearer to the lock, our turn getting ever closer.  Kev came and helped as well and while we were waiting a few more boats turned up so quite a queue was forming but as usual not many people came down to help, it always seems to be just a few, it looked like when it would be our turn I would be doing the lock on my own, but a couple more boats turned up below and the people from those boats came and helped.

Eventually it was our turn and down the lock we went and on our way once again.

We went around the corner and then was approaching Stafford Boat Club where we moored up on the front before the bridge.  We were told to go into the space just under the bridge but it was full.  I went up to the club house and the chap there said we were fine where we were, we were pleased as it’s a nice spot.  They have a big field and often get caravan and motor home clubs coming to stay and at the moment The Auto Sleeper Club are here for a few days.

We love mooring here as it’s a really friendly place and so nice and tranquil. In the afternoon we walked up to the Coop which is about a 10 to 15 minute walk away. 

We are staying here for a couple of nights.  In the evening, we went up to the club house, it was busy with lots of the campers who were all very friendly and even let us join in their quiz which was just for fun, the answers were all names of fish, we did okay we got 19 out of 25, it was fun.  Tomorrow night they are having a proper quiz and they said we could join them, so we might just do that.

Penkridge to Bridge 93 - Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal


Monday 26th July

We are finally leaving Penkridge after being here for over two weeks waiting for blood test, results and hospital appointment.  I had the blood test and got the results and all was clear, but as tummy is still not good, I had another visit to the doctor and she has put me on antibiotics so hopefully they will help. I am still waiting for a hospital appointment but we could be waiting for ever at this rate, so we will carry on and work out how to get to the hospital appointment when I get it.

We have enjoyed our time in Penkridge but it’s time to go on to pastures new.

It was another warm sunny day as we set off from our mooring, passing the Cross Keys pub where we had a great Sunday lunch and under a bridge and then we were at Filance lock.  There was a cruiser coming up so once he was through the lock it was our turn.  I saw something in the lock and it was a fender so that went in our collection.

 We were soon through the lock and there was a boat coming up so we left the gates open for them and chugged on.  We wanted to stop at the services which is just before the next lock.  There was a boat there but he was just leaving, so once he had gone we pulled over to the services to fill up with water, empty the loo and get rid of rubbish.  On the grass by the lock was another fender, both of them were the same and I think they came off the cruiser going up so I picked that one up as well, so now we have two extra ones.

A boat came up the lock so once he was out, it was our turn and in we went.  There was another boat waiting to come up and the chap came up to the lock and sat on the wall and watched me, didn’t help at all!

We came out of the lock and went on along the canal passing a lot of park homes and leaving Penkridge behind us.  The next lock we came to was Longford lock.  There was a boat in front of us and no one waiting to come up, so we had to fill the lock first then we opened the gate and in we went.

On we went along the canal, under a few bridges and under the M6 motorway which runs alongside the canal for a bit and stopped just before the next lock to visit the Chandlery there.  It has been shut for a while but now taken over by another company but they are not really up and running yet so we headed on through the lock and on our way.

We chugged on and soon came to our last lock for today, Shutt Hill lock.  At the bottom of the lock by the bridge is an iron post, this is the only reminder of a small wharf which once existed here.  The post was used to turn the boats into the dock.

We went on a bit further passing The Moat House Inn which is a lovely place to eat and on past the houses at Acton Trussell and moored up in a lovely open spot on the outskirts of the village.

We are staying here tonight then moving on to Stafford Boat Club tomorrow.

Sunday 11 July 2021

Hatherton to Penkridge - Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal


Wednesday 7th July

We were staying put today but have decided to move and go straight to Penkridge just stopping at Gailey for services as I have had a stomach upset for a few weeks and it’s not getting any better and can hardly eat anything.  There is a doctors surgery at Penkridge so I will get in touch with them when we get there and hopefully they can sort me out.  Kev said we should have a blue light to go on the top of the boat so we could get priority at the locks, silly devil!!

It was quite sunny when we set off but rain was forecast for later, so hopefully we won’t get too wet.

We chugged along going under a few bridges then came to the chemical works which runs alongside the canal and has signs telling you no mooring and no stopping even if you hear the alarm! Mind you if we heard an alarm we would put our foot down and get past as quickly as we could or as fast as you can on a narrow boat!

We got past there okay and no alarms, then was approaching Gailey.  We wanted to stop at the services so we pulled in and the two boats in front of us said they were waiting to get water and there was another boat in the services a bit further up, so we decided to go through the lock, moor below and walk back up with the rubbish and water container.


I walked up to the lock and in the water point there was one boat but plenty of room for another boat so God knows why the other boats waiting were moored all the way back from the water point and didn’t move up was beyond me especially as there was two taps so two boats could fill up at the same time.

There was a chap at the lock and he kindly helped me with the lock so that was a big help. By the lock is a large, round, toll keepers watch tower which is now someone’s home and there is a small gift shop.


We moored below the lock and walked up with the rubbish, toilets and water container. The boats waiting for the services were still phaffing about so we made a good decision.

We walked back to the boat and untied.  A boat had just come through the lock so we waited for them to pass and then set off.  We then realised that we had done a Red Bull on the boats that were getting water, we under cut them at the services, that made us smile, Lewis wouldn’t have been too happy though!


We have four more locks to do this morning to get to Penkridge.  We got to Brick Kiln lock where there was some chaps doing some work by the lock. The boat in front of us was a single hander so we helped her through the lock, another boat was waiting to come up, so when they were up and out, it was our turn.

We were soon through there and on our way to the next one, Boggs lock.  There was several boats coming the other way this morning so that always makes life easier. It also rained a few times so we got a bit wet.

The next lock, Rodbaston is right by the M6 motorway so quite noisy.  We had to wait for the boat in front of us to go through then it was our turn.  We were soon down the lock and on our way to our last lock for today, Otherton lock.

The lock was against us, so I filled it up and opened the gate and Kev brought the boat in.  We went down the lock and out we went.  There was a boat behind us so the lady shut one gate and I shut the other as no boats were waiting to come up.


We went past Otherton marina and then was approaching Penkridge. There are some moorings by the Cross Keys pub and a space on the end was free, so we went in there.

In the afternoon, we walked down to the doctor’s surgery so I could temporarily register.  The receptionist said I would get a call from the doctor later this afternoon, but as we were walking back, the receptionist rang and said that as I had put on the form I had had a stomach upset for over three weeks, it was classed as routine and therefore I would get a call tomorrow instead, if I had put on the form I had had it for less than three weeks, it would be classed as urgent and a doctor would have rang me that afternoon, seems back to front to me, but that’s the rules!

I did get a phone call from the doctor on Thursday and went to see her shortly after, I have to have a blood test and be referred to the hospital for some tests, she thinks it’s a bacterial infection or Diverticulitis.  She said to tell the receptionist the blood test was urgent and the first appointment they had was next Thursday!

So we are here in Penkridge until at least after I have had my blood test and will probably wait for the results if they are only going to be a couple of days.  It is okay here and there are a few shops, although not a big supermarket but we can get the bus to Stafford and there is a train station so we can easily get to places if we need to.

Hopefully the sun will shine while we are here and we can get out and about and also do some trading from the towpath, then when things are sorted, we will move on to pastures new.